Beautiful, adventurous, relaxed couples photographer Glasgow

Capturing the romance, fun and intimacy to create authentic images you’ll treasure forever.

Let's go on an adventure

You love getting out and about together - whether that’s exploring the urban streets of Glasgow or heading into the mountains.

You want photographs that capture your personalities, your love and the bond between you.

Let’s do it!

relaxed laid back couple shoots Glasgow - Lauren Stirling-.jpg

RELAXED & laid back couples shoots

 My couple’s shoots are a chance to get out and explore. To go on a unique adventure together and create memories you’ll look back on forever.

You don’t need to be engaged or celebrating anything to have a photo shoot together. You just have to be feeling pretty loved up and fancy some gorgeous photographs of yourselves! It’s the perfect opportunity to take some time out together away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

These shoots are super relaxed and a lot of fun. There’s no time for nerves or feeling awkward. We’ll laugh and chat away as I find the best light and loosely guide you into the most flattering, un-posed poses. All you need to do is hug, have a giggle and I’ll do the rest!


Location, location, location

I don’t know about you, but I love to travel and when it comes to a photoshoot Scotland really is our oyster! We can climb a hill, explore a loch, head to the sea or stick to good old, vibrant Glasgow. Wherever takes your fancy then I’m up for joining you.

We can shove wellies on and go tramping around the National Parks, go barefoot and splash in the waves or perhaps your home is your sanctuary and you want some photos as you hang out there. Think about what you enjoy and where you love spending your time together.

If you’re stuck for ideas then I’m more than happy to make some suggestions. I’ve got a little black book of some rather epic photo locations!

What you need to know…

Can we bring our dog?
Simple answer...YES!

How long do couples sessions last?
As long as you like! Most couples book in for an hour or two but if you’ve got an exciting adventure in mind and want me to tag along then I’m up for it!

We’re so awkward, help us!
I promise you will forget your nerves within minutes. I’m not going to put you in stiff poses or make you do anything you don’t want to do. My shoots are all about you both having fun together whilst I capture it.

How do we find out more?
Easy! Just get in touch via my contact form and I’ll send you everything you need to know.